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Take a deep dive into common hyperledger terms with the hyperledger flashcards, and level up your skills to get ahead as a blockchain professional.

Learn Hyperledger concepts
Validation System Chaincode
Validation System Chaincode or VSCC is an important tool for managing the validation policy across particular pieces of chaincode deployed throughout a network. Every deployment and invocation of use chaincodes depend on a relevant VSCC, defined at the time of deployment transaction proposal suited for concerned user chaincode. It helps in the validation of the desired level of endorsement according to endorsement policy, thereby preventing any malicious and faulty client behavior.
Endorsement System Chaincode
The Endorsement System Chaincode or ESCC basically refers to the system chaincode which takes care of the management of the endorsement policy. The ESCC takes particular pieces of chaincode deployed on a network into consideration and provides a definition of important parameters for a transaction proposal. The importance of ESCC is evident in the fact that it is essential for obtaining a successful proposal response. It is highly important for user chaincode deployments/invocations.
Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK
The Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK offers a formidable assortment of APIs with a wide range of ‘methods’ or ‘calls,’ which could unravel the functionalities and capabilities with the Hyperledger Fabric codebase. The examples of ‘addMember’ and ‘removeMember’ show the working of the Hyperledger Fabric codebase effectively. Users could access the Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK in different variants such as Java, Python, and Node.js, with high levels of flexibility.
Leading Peer
Every organization in Hyperledger Fabric can have ownership over multiple peers on each channel for which they have a subscription. One or multiple peers could work in the role of the leading peer for a concerned channel. The leading peer helps in ensuring communication with the network ordering service as a representative of the organization. Ordering services deliver blocks to leading peers on a channel followed by distribution among other peers.
Instantiate in Hyperledger Fabric refers to the procedure of beginning and initialization of a chaincode application for a particular channel. Following the instantiation procedure, peers with already existing chaincode installations could accept chaincode invocations. However, the instantiate method was an application in 1.4.x and the previous versions of chaincode lifecycle. The new Fabric chaincode lifecycle employs a completely different procedure for starting a chaincode on the specific channel, according to Fabric v2.0.
Dynamic Membership
Dynamic membership is one of the crucial highlights in the Hyperledger Fabric landscape. Hyperledger Fabric supports dynamic membership by allowing the addition or removal of members, ordering service nodes, and peers. Interestingly, dynamic membership doesn’t influence the operational capabilities of the complete network. The applications of dynamic membership are crucial in cases where business relationships change frequently, and different reasons prompt the addition or removal of certain entities for adaptability.