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Learn Polygon concepts
Polygon Blockchain
Polygon is an off-chain scaling solution for blockchain platforms to ensure better scalability and improved user experiences with dApps. It focuses on resolving scalability and usability issues without affecting decentralization. Polygon blockchain is a powerful tool for developers amidst the sporadic growth of web3 application development. It helps in addressing the problems of lower transaction throughput and slower transactions. Polygon guarantees the value advantages of interoperability, therefore improving the usability of blockchain applications.
Layer 2 Scaling
Layer 2 scaling refers to the collection of off-chain solutions aimed at improving the scalability of applications on the Ethereum blockchain. The working of Layer 2 scaling solutions involves processing transactions on a different layer than the Ethereum mainnet. These solutions also capitalize on the robust and decentralized security model of the Ethereum mainnet. Polygon blockchain is one of the most popular layer 2 scaling solutions with multiple advantages.
Polygon Byzantine Fault Tolerance
PolyBFT is a robust and advanced consensus mechanism utilized in Polygon Supernets. The consensus mechanism includes two crucial components, the consensus engine, and the consensus protocol. PolyBFT relies on the Proof-of-Stake protocol and IBFT consensus engine for sealing blocks, governing the network, and providing specific network capabilities. The core smart contracts work in unison with the consensus engine to define all the Proof-of-Stake rules of the network. The IBFT engine ensures the maintenance of network integrity.
Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant (IBFT) 2.0
IBFT 2.0 consensus engine is an essential component in the PolyBFT consensus mechanism. It features a validator pool that validates the candidate blocks proposed by block proposers, selected randomly from the validator pool. Every block in IBFT 2.0 demands one round of votes by the validator to reach a consensus. The voting power of validators in IBFT 2.0 depends on the amount of their stake in the network.
Supernet Bridging
Polygon Supernets offer an in-built bridging mechanism that facilitates cross-chain communication. The bridging mechanism serves as an important technical infrastructure for enabling interoperability by transferring messages between EVM-compatible blockchains and Supernets. Polygon Supernet bridging depends on the mapping between the target chain and the token contracts on the primary blockchain or rootchain. Thus, it helps track assets and ensure the correct number of tokens being burned and minted in the transfer.
State synchronization is vital for the Polygon mechanism, which helps update the state of contracts on the Supernets according to events on the primary chain. It is a significant component in the Polygon blockchain that facilitates efficient and secure communication between two chains. StateSync also helps in secure and efficient updates of chain state on the Supernet. The StateSender contract helps initiate StateSync on the Supernet, and the StateReceiver contract helps execute StateSync on the rootchain.
Checkpoints are essential components in the architecture of the Polygon blockchain that ensure data integrity. The checkpoint mechanism involves recording and registering the snapshot of a system’s state at a particular time. Checkpoints help improve security through faster verification of the blockchain state without processing all the transactions beginning with the Genesis block. In addition, checkpoints could also help ensure faster synchronization for new nodes alongside preventing vulnerabilities by 51%.
The libp2p protocol is a crucial element in the decentralized networking layer of the PolyBFT consensus mechanism. It offers peer-to-peer networking functions such as connection management, secure messaging, and peer discovery. The decentralized networking layer utilizes a secure Identity Service for managed shaking and peer connectivity. You can also use libp2p-based Bootnodes, which serve as rendezvous servers to connect new nodes to the network.
Access Control Lists
ACLs are essential components in the working of Supernets. ACLs are crucial for managing and controlling access privileges to specific network resources, functionalities, and contracts. Network operators can use ACLs to limit access privileges to particular addresses. The two primary roles in the ACL architecture include ‘admin’ and ‘enabled’ addresses. The ‘admin’ address had complete control over the list, while the ‘enabled’ address received access to particular resources or functionalities mentioned in the list.
Memory Pool
The memory pool is the temporary storage in a blockchain node, which houses pending transactions before adding them to blockchain networks. The memory pool is vital in managing and prioritizing pending transactions in the Polygon Supernets. The notable features of mempool include transaction prioritization, transaction validation, mempool management, and mempool synchronization. Mempool in Supernets allocates priority to transactions based on age and transaction fees.
Transaction Pool
The Transaction pool (TxPool) in Polygon is a module that manages the transactions for processing. It is responsible for maintaining a record of unprocessed transactions and ensuring they follow certain constraints before admission to the pool. It utilizes different methods for managing incoming transactions. For example, the ‘handleEnqueueRequest()’ method helps in queuing the transaction in a specific request. Similarly, the ‘validateTx()’ method enables checking the essential constraints.
Transaction Relayer
TheTxRelayer is a core component in the working of the Polygon blockchain. It plays a significant role in facilitating the development and transfer of transactions. TxRelayer offers a simple interface that helps in the execution of message calls without creating dedicated transactions and sending the signed transactions to the blockchain. The TxRelayer module in the Polygon Supernets features a client interacting with Ethereum nodes as well as wallets for transaction signing. You can use TxRelayer by using the “NewTxRelayer()’ function.
JSON-RPC in Supernets
JSON-RPC is a type of remote call procedure protocol based on JSON that helps facilitate interactions between distributed systems. Supernets implement the JSON-RPC protocol in the form of API consensus. It helps in the abstraction of the details about network communication, deserialization, and serialization. JSON-RPC client sends a request message to the JSON-RPC server for deserialization of the request message, followed by execution of the appropriate method and serialization of the response message.
gRPC is a renowned RPC framework that ensures efficient communication among distributed systems. It is a valuable tool for developing scalable and high-performance applications with low communication latency. It offers the advantage of compatibility with multiple programming languages and in-built data serialization support. Creating a gRPC server instance on each peer and setting up gRPC client connections leads to building a network API, which helps clients interact with the network.
Polygon Supernets
Polygon Supernets are the application-specific blockchains that run on the Polygon Edge consensus client while leveraging PolyBFT consensus. Supernets utilize a native bridge for connecting with the related rootchain, thereby enabling the inheritance of the rootchain capabilities and security features. Supernets expand the block space on the rootchain, offering interoperability and scalability for dApps. Supernets also include on-chain governance mechanisms, which help communities make network decisions.
Polygon Edge
Polygon Edge is the extensible framework by Polygon used to develop Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks, offering flexibility and faster creation time. One of the notable traits of the Polygon Edge is the compatibility with EVM blockchains that help create blockchain networks with customizable traits. Other features include modular architecture, efficiency, and extensibility, alongside the advantages of reduced gas fees.
Bor is a crucial component of the Polygon that works as a basic Geth implementation. It is a node implementer and serves as the EVM-compatible blockchain operator. It features custom changes in the consensus algorithm. Bor is also known as the Block Producer Layer. It introduces new design modifications that offer a lightweight and more focused tool. It also maintains synchronization with the Heimdall layer of the Polygon architecture and selects producers as well as verifiers for every span and sprint.
Checkpoint transaction
The checkpoint mechanism is essential for ensuring security with the Polygon blockchain. Polygon uses an additional custom check according to the success of the checkpoint submission process. The checkpoint transaction can be any transaction that contains the Merkle root of blocks featured in the block producer layer. Another important aspect of a checkpoint transaction is that a Heimdall node helps commit the transaction to Polygon staking contracts on the Ethereum mainnet.
Heimdall is the term for a node in the Polygon blockchain which runs parallel to the Ethereum mainnet. It helps monitor the collection of contracts implemented on the Ethereum mainnet alongside committing checkpoints of the Polygon Network to the Ethereum mainnet. It is one of the integral components of the Polygon network and helps in managing different aspects of the system. Heimdall helps in managing validators, spans, and block producer selection.
Proposers are the validators that the algorithm selects before proposing a new block in the Polygon network. It also takes responsibility for collecting all the signatures for a specific checkpoint. Subsequently, the proposer helps commit the concerned checkpoint on the main Ethereum network. Proposers are an integral part of the validator pool and are selected on a random basis, thereby removing the concerns of bias. The proposers also help ensure better value advantages than the Proof of Stake blockchains.
Sentry is a type of full node in the Polygon network which runs the Heimdall and Bor nodes. The full node helps download data from other nodes and then transfers the data to selected validator nodes. During the process, the sentry node would have complete access to the whole Polygon network. Sentry nodes can also play a crucial role in isolating validators from the public. Sentry nodes also safeguard validator nodes against vulnerabilities such as Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS attacks.
Polygon validators are the users of the Polygon network who run a validator node on one machine and a sentry node running on another machine. Another criterion for becoming a validator on the Polygon network is to stake MATIC tokens. The random selection of Polygon validators for transaction validation on the Heimdall layer ensures safeguards against misuse of the staking mechanism. Validator nodes have the same architecture but different methods for data exchange from the sentry node.
Span refers to a logically defined collection of blocks for which you can select a set of validators from the list of available validators. The selection of every span in the Polygon network depends on the decision of at least two-thirds of validators, according to the relevant staking power. You can rely on the Heimdall node to obtain span details by using the span-details APIs. Every validator in the span has voting power, which helps them achieve block producers’ status.
Signer address
The signer address in the Polygon network refers to the address of the Ethereum account associated with the Heimdall validator node. The signer address is responsible for signing and submitting the checkpoint transactions. It is important to note that the signer key should be stored on the node, similar to a hot wallet in terms of functions. However, the owner key should be stored in a secure location. In addition, the owner key must be used at different times infrequently, implying that it is a cold wallet.
Delegators are the token holders on the Polygon network who cannot run validator nodes independently. They play a crucial role in securing the network by delegating their stakes to the validator nodes. Delegators are responsible for selecting validators and running delegation transactions on staking contracts available on the main Ethereum blockchain. Delegators can also exit the system anytime, according to their preferences. They wait for the unbinding period before withdrawing their stake in the network.
Validators offer a commission percentage to determine the percentage of rewards they would receive from transactions. Delegators in the Polygon network delegate their tokens to validators and obtain a percentage of rewards. The commission rate is an essential concern for delegators in Polygon. Delegators can also view the commission rates of validators to understand the reward distribution of validators. The commission rate helps delegators choose validators with the best chances of earning lucrative rewards.
Horizontal sharding
The checkpoint layer in the Polygon network offers support for multiple side chains with their unique design. You can find various side chains within the decentralized and secure layer of checkpoints. Businesses could also have dedicated side chains connected with the public checkpoint layer. Some critical factors in the horizontal sharding process include the seamless movement of assets throughout different side chains. It also focuses on scheduling the checkpoint layer for periodic proposal of checkpoints for multiple side chains.
Generalized state scaling
Generalized state scaling is one of the ambitious projects of the Polygon network. It will be one of the network’s top priorities after the implementation of micropayments and asset transfers. The team behind Polygon has been working on different approaches to achieve generalized state scaling. The three approaches include a stateful object programming model, state transition verification through an EVM-in-an-EVM design, and state transition verification using zk-SNARKs.
Fraud proofs
Fraud proofs are one of the unique mechanisms on the Polygon network that ensure the security of transactions. The fraud-proof mechanism helps any user on the main blockchain to submit details about suspected malicious transactions. In the event of a successful challenge, the challenger would receive incentives for fraud detection. The mechanism penalizes the parties involved in the fraud by deducting funds. Fraud proofs can provide the foundations for high-reward bounty programs.
Polygon zkEVM
Polygon zkEVM is a prominent addition to the Polygon ecosystem. It is a layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain with the additional advantage of ZKPs. It is a virtual machine tailored to the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The cryptographic ZKPs can help offer validation and faster finality to off-chain transactions. ZKPs serve as credible validity proofs for off-chain computations with Polygon zkEVM. ZK-rollups running over the Ethereum mainnet could also provide better scalability.