The AECB - the Association for Environment Conscious Building is the UK's largest sustainable building community. We are a dynamic network of contractors, trades people, self-builders, architects, designers, engineers, developers, manufacturers, housing associations, local authorities and academics who develop, share and promote green building best practice. The AECB is run by its members and is an independent, not for profit organisation.

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Product News


AECB Low Energy Buildings Database
The AECB holds information on over 400 low energy projects (new builds and retrofits) on the Low Energy Buildings Database (LEBD). It is an online resource that anyone can view for free to learn about real projects and how they turned out.

AECB’s CarbonLite Retrofit training course
This cutting edge, online, advanced retrofit training course is the culmination of five years of investment by the AECB. It is aimed at construction professionals and those whose role involves decision making around retrofit.

AECB CarbonLite Passivhaus Designer & Contractor Course
These courses are delivered by UK experts in the Passivhaus field and will equip you to work on exciting, low-energy projects and design Passivhaus buildings whilst getting certified.

AECB’s Building Standard
The AECB Building Standard is aimed at those wishing to create high-performance buildings using widely available technology at little or no extra cost.



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